Themenstrang: »Forschung«

Referent_in: Fernando González Rey

Tag/Zeit: Freitag, 14.9.2018, 18:30–20:00 Uhr

Holzkamp’s proposal remained relatively unknown within the critical psychologies developed in Latin America, of which the stronger movements resulted from the dissidence of the Argentinian Psychoanalytic Association in the 1960s. This movement was inspired by the theoretical works and critique of Pichon Riviere and Jose Bleger. Another movement was the critical social psychology developed in the 1980s, of which the most well-known figure is Ignacio Martin Baró. This second movement integrated psychologists from different countries of Latin America, with its main sponsors being Jose Miguel Salazar and Maritza Montero of the Central University of Caracas. Nonetheless, Holzkamp’s proposal and the main positions sustained by Latin American movements have interesting points of contact. Both Martin Baró and Holzkamp were clear that radical theoretical, epistemological and methodological changes were necessary to advance a critical psychology. This meant the generation of a new psychological system, a position that some authors, including myself (González Rey, 1984, 1991), defend. In this regard, social psychology should integrate the individual as a subject of social relations, overcoming the social determinism that was so widespread in social psychology at the time, as well as in Soviet psychology. Both Holzkamp and the critical Latin American movements, being influenced by Marxism, recognized the active character of individuals, advancing the path for a theory of the subject. Discussing the legacy of these three movements, including their limitations, is the main goal of this presentation.

Ferienuni Kritische Psychologie 2018 using Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz adapted by Stefan Meretz
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