Ernst Schraube, Dr. phil., is Associate Professor of Social Psychology of Technology and Everyday Life in the Department of People and Technology at Roskilde University, Denmark. His research focuses on the critical exploration of the social and political implications of modern technology and he is currently working on a project on the significance of digital technologies in students’ learning and conduct of everyday life. He studied at the Free University Berlin from where he received his diploma in psychology and his PhD. Among his books are Auf den Spuren der Dinge: Psychologie in einer Welt der Technik (Argument) and the co-edited volumes Resistance and Renewal in Theoretical Psychology (Captus University Press), Psychology from the Standpoint of the Subject: Writings of Klaus Holzkamp (Palgrave Macmillan) and Psychology and the Conduct of Everyday Life (Routledge). Before he came to Roskilde University in 2002, he has taught at the Free University Berlin and the University of Innsbruck. The 1998-99 academic year he spent as a visiting research scholar in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, USA. More information under: www.ruc.dk/~schraube.
Veranstaltungen mit Ernst Schraube:
Freitag, 14.9.2018, 10:00 Uhr: Workshop »Why critique matters: The dialectics of digital connectedness in problem-oriented learning«
Samstag, 15.9.2018, 13:00 Uhr: Podiumsdiskussion »Kritische Psychologie der Digitalisierung: Lernen für die zukünftige Gesellschaft neu denken«