Themenstrang: »Gesellschaft«

Referent_in: Can Önalan

Tag/Zeit: Freitag, 14.9.2018, 15:30–17:30 Uhr

In Western psychology, autonomy is very often seen as in contradiction with relatedness, due to the ideology of individualism. In cross-cultural psychology, some asserted that the very nature of a so-called collectivistic culture suppresses personal autonomy whereas individualistic culture espouses and supports autonomy. Kagitcibasi offered a new model having interpersonal distance and agency as seperate dimensions, contrary to the idea that interdependencies, close bonds and connectedness hamper agentic and volitional actions. Autonomy and relatedness are two skills that satisfy human’s needs and their incompatibility is superficial. Drawing from this formulation, I will deconstruct the world-view behind individualism and discuss how we should address these needs within socioeconomic and cultural context.

Ferienuni Kritische Psychologie 2018 using Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz adapted by Stefan Meretz
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